Life is still treating me like a queen, or spoiled bratt if you prefer. We had a great weekend, eating corn pancakes every day (where the 3rd and 4th ingredients are sugar and lard :(), dancing with the kids, eating lunch out.
Adam and are are bestest friends. I absolutely love spending time with him and our little family. He adds so much to my life. And he's sexy too.
Aidan is his own little episode of project runway. He amazes me everyday with his choice in clothing and footwear.
Anna is still on her quest for the perfect crawl. She can rotate around on the floor but has yet to crawl. She tries everyday and gets closer and closer. Her arms are gaining strength. If I am to win the poll, she has to crawl by Sunday, her 6mo birthday.
We're going to CA next week and I CAN"T WAIT!!!!! We're having family pics taken again and I can hardly stand the anticipation.
TTFN. Baby calling.